My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Michael Henbury

My Michael Henbury Autograph

Michael_Henbury10.jpg Patti Bobbie Bellالصور المصغرةMichael Henbury

About my Michael Henbury Autograph

This is such a cool photo.
Its a private image that Michael Henbury had and it shows him on the set of Jedi with none other than Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker).
He looks so happy in this shot.
Michael is the smallest man in Britain and seldom acts these days which is a shame considering his talents.
Mike is also a very good mate and always loves signing for the fans of Return of the Jedi in which he played an Ewok.

Information about this Michael Henbury image

بواسطة :
Dave louis oldbury
حسب معدل التقييم
كن أول من يعطي تقيمه لهذه الصورة
قيم هذه الصورة
تاريخ الصورة
الأربعاء 18 مارس 2020
Return of the Jedi

الكلمات الدلائلية

More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection