My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Dave Prowse James Earl Jones Clive Revill

My Dave Prowse James Earl Jones Clive Revill Autograph

Dave_Prowse9.jpg Julian GloverTampilan besarodd johan nelvik

About my Dave Prowse James Earl Jones Clive Revill Autograph

This just came back from the USA sadly its to big to scan its a pretty neat image that was created by a good friend of mine Neil
It has been signed by Dave Prowse who played Darth Vader, James Earl Jones the legend that did the dark lords voice and Clive Revill the man who voiced Emperor Palpatine in this scene from The Empire Strikes Back Massive thanks to Neil and Tony my brothers in arms for this project you guys rock.

Information about this Dave Prowse James Earl Jones Clive Revill image

Dave louis oldbury
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