My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Hal Hickel

My Hal Hickel Autograph

Halt_Hickel2.jpg Kamay Lau الصور المصغرةGeoff Pomeroy

About my Hal Hickel Autograph

A break from the norm with this autograph as its not original trilogy.

This is a signed watto Phantom menace image from head animator Hal T Hickel

Mr Hickel has a very cool story behind his career, at the age of 12, Hickel wrote a letter to Lucasfilm, outlining his ideas for a sequel to the original Star Wars film A New Hope,and received a polite rejection letter from producer Gary Kurtz.
The letter now hangs on the wall of Hickel's office at ILM. you have to love it when dreams come true

Information about this Hal Hickel image

Dave louis oldbury
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الجمعة 10 أبريل 2020
The Phantom Menace

More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection