My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Jabba Aliens

My Jabba Aliens Autograph

Jabba_Aliens-2.jpg Aidan CookЕскізиJabba Aliens

About my Jabba Aliens Autograph

Another variant on the Jabbas aliens theme is this image
It also gave me a conundrum in the fact that on initial questioning Hugh Spight thought he may well have done a stint in the elom costume
So to be on the safe side I added Hugh and Graeme Hattrick to that character.
So anyway we have as follows
Paul Springer, Ree Yees
Brian Harris, Guaron nas tal.
Sean Crawford, Yak Face.
Michael Carter, Bib Fortuna.
Peter Allen, Geezum.
Tim Dry, Whiphid,Jaquille.
Gerald Home, Tessek, Squid Head.
Andy Cunningham, Ishi Tibb.
Graeme Hattrick/ Hugh Spight, Elom
Hazel Allen, Yoxgit.
It’s a minefield when sorting these things out but they do turn out nice.

Information about this Jabba Aliens image

Dave Louis Oldbury
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Дата зйомки
Четвер 12 Квітень 2018
Return of the Jedi

More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection