My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Paul Brooke

My Paul Brooke Autograph

Paul_Brooke5.jpg Barrie HollandMiniaturypamela Betts

About my Paul Brooke Autograph

Sometimes no matter how hard you try you'll never get it right.

I have written to Paul Brooke a few times over the years with various images and as always i include a sharpie or pen that id like him to sign with.
To his credit Mr Brooke always responds very kindly, however i don't think he has ever used the pen that i include, not once

which is why you end up with signatures like you see here. Mr Brooke was of course the rancor keeper in Return of the Jedi.

Information about this Paul Brooke image

Dave louis oldbury
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More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection