My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Wendy Midener

My Wendy Midener Autograph

Wendy_Midener26.jpg Brian JohnsonMiniaturasWendy Midener

About my Wendy Midener Autograph

Every now and again I try to get a photo of myself taken with someone that I have met signed.
Its very much as and when and is not something that lose sleep over but its a nice thing to look back on.
This photo however I really did want signed its Wendy Froud and Brian Froud taken after they welcomed myself and a friend to their home and signed some images for us on their wedding anniversary of all days.

I cannot begin to tell you how amazingly nice these people are as well as being probably two of the most insanely talented individuals
I will ever meet
Wendy who was Wendy Midener back in the Days of Empire Strikes back played a major role in the creation of Yoda working day in and day out with Stuart Freeborn to bring the little green Jedi master to life
She also worked with husband Brian on my second favorite film from back in the day Labyrinth where they even had their Son Toby Playing the main Character funnily enough called Toby as well I cant say thank you enough to them for their kindness and for making me very happy by signing this photo

Information about this Wendy Midener image

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More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection