My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Brian Lofthouse

My Brian Lofthouse Autograph

brian_lofthouse_props_starwars_autograph.jpg Steve Meeksالصور المصغرةDave Prowse

About my Brian Lofthouse Autograph

Anything with Droids in has to be cool right, throw in props guy Brian Lofthouse and you have a winning combination
their work these guys did behind the scenes, and their creativity is not to be underestimated.
Remember most of what we witnessed on screen from the original trilogy was pure props and SFX CGI was not an option

Information about this Brian Lofthouse image

بواسطة :
Dave Louis Oldbury
حسب معدل التقييم
كن أول من يعطي تقيمه لهذه الصورة
قيم هذه الصورة
تاريخ الصورة
الخميس 27 سبتمبر 2018

الكلمات الدلائلية

More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection