My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from George Lucas Alan Ladd Jr

My George Lucas Alan Ladd Jr Autograph

lucas_4.jpg Alan Fernandes МиниатюриGeorge Lucas

About my George Lucas Alan Ladd Jr Autograph

This for me was always going to be one of my Grail pieces its the two men that pretty much came together to create my childhood
It is of course Star wars Creator and Director George Lucas and the great Alan Ladd Jr former Fox executive who at the time, had Georges’ back, fighting for the picture throughout the 10-week production, all the way to release as the board and others in the executive suite wanted to dump it.
A massive thank you to my mate Ant for adding George to this for me its a wall piece you know.

Information about this George Lucas Alan Ladd Jr image

Dave Louis Oldbury
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A New Hope

More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection