My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Melissa Kurtz and Tiffany Kurtz

My Melissa Kurtz and Tiffany Kurtz Autograph

melissa_kurtz_and_tiffany_kurtz_as_jawas.jpg Kee Chanรูปภาพขนาดย่อBrian Lofthouse

About my Melissa Kurtz and Tiffany Kurtz Autograph

I love this Photo and I owe a massive thanks to my friend Steve in the US for giving it to me.
Its been signed by Tiffany Kurtz and Melissa Kurtz, the daughters of sadly no longer with us Producer Gary Kurtz.
They played Jawas in A New Hope.
It really is the coolest photo, I'm wrapped to have it

Information about this Melissa Kurtz and Tiffany Kurtz image

Dave Louis Oldbury
ไม่มี คะแนนนิยม
A New Hope

More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection