My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from pamela Betts

My pamela Betts Autograph

pamela_Betts1.jpg Paul BrookeMiniaturoMike Stevens

About my pamela Betts Autograph

You can never ever have enough ewoks in my opinion.

You can imagine how happy i was when i got to visit Pamela Betts

Pam was one of the few lucky kids that got to play one of the furry guys back in the day

She is probably the tallest ewok to appear on screen in Return of the Jedi
I was lucky enough to be able to have this image of her on set with everyone's favorite Princess signed for which im very grateful big thanks to my mate Paul for helping me with this

Information about this pamela Betts image

Dave louis oldbury
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Vendredo 27 Marto 2020


More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection